Planned Giving is an easy to use toolbox of options you can utilize to benefit New Hampton School, establish your legacy,and achieve your own estate planning, financial,and philanthropic goals. Many planned giving options cost you little or nothing during your lifetime. Simply put, New Hampton School wins, and you and your family win!
Continue learning about your options below or contact Rob DeFreitas, Leadership and Planned Giving Officer with questions.
A charitable lead trust is a trust, typically with $1,000,000 in funded assets or more, that pays a certain amount of income to New Hampton School for the life of the trust, and then pays the balance to those family members or other persons of you choose. This methodology offers a regular income stream to New Hampton School and may offer significant tax benefits to the ultimate beneficiaries you name.
A charitable remainder trust, also typically with $1,000,000 in funded assets or more, pays an annual income stream to beneficiaries named by you for the life of the trust, and then pays the remainder to New Hampton School. There may be significant tax benefits to you or your estate in setting up this type of trust.
If you have a donor advised fund, you can make a gift directly from the fund at any time to New Hampton School. You may also choose to name New Hampton School as the beneficiary or a beneficiary of the fund at such time as the balance of the fund is distributed.
If your life insurance policy is paid in full, and your family no longer needs the proceeds of the policy or all of the proceeds, you can name New Hampton School as the beneficiary or partial beneficiary of the policy. You may also choose to transfer ownership of the policy to New Hampton School. Using the proceeds of a life insurance policy may enable you to make a much bigger donation than you thought possible. This type of gift may also offer your survivors significant tax savings.
A bequest is the act of giving assets to an organization such as New Hampton School through the provisions of your will or estate plan. The bequest can be for a specific amount or for a percentage of the estate. You can make multiple bequests in your will or estate plan.
You can utilize your 401k or IRA plan in two different ways to benefit New Hampton School and save you and your family significant taxes. If you are at least 70.5, and you determine that you do not need your mandatory annual distribution, you can gift your distribution to New Hampton School and avoid taxes. You can also name New Hampton School as a beneficiary of the plan, which allows you or your estate to avoid taxes at the time the balance is distributed.
For me, then, the specialness of the school lies in its remarkable capacity for change. When I visit the school in this era, I am touched by the faculty’s clear devotion to and investment in student success.
The impact was greater than simply “academics and athletics.” I met students from many different places, and I discovered their cultures were as enriching and interesting as mine, and together we formed friendships spanning over sixty years.